Does Alcohol Cause Inflammation?

If you also feel tired, achy, and weak all the time, or lose weight without trying to, give your doctor a call. The liver makes proteins that the blood needs for clotting, alcoholism and bruising so if it’s not doing its job, you may bleed or bruise more easily. It could be a sign that you’ve got a condition called cirrhosis, which is scarring of the liver.

Alcoholism and alcohol abuse are both categorized as alcohol use disorders—affecting people of all ages and stages of life. The severity of the disorder lies on a spectrum, ranging from mild to severe dependence, also known as chronic alcoholism . If you notice that you bruise easily after one night of drinking, it may not indicate anything serious. But if you bruise more easily all the time after chronic heavy drinking, it may be a sign of significant health concern.

I’m Seeking Help

The most severe form of alcohol withdrawal is delirium tremens , characterized by altered mental status and severe autonomic hyperactivity that may lead to cardiovascular collapse. Only about 5 percent of patients with alcohol withdrawal progress to DTs, but about 5 percent of these patients die. The affects can range from dementia and intellectual functioning to debilitating conditions that require long-term care, even if a person has been sober for a period of time.

Alcohol affects your brain in multiple ways that make you more accident-prone. Here are three aspects of your brain that are affected by alcohol and why that can contribute to morning-after bruises. If you have tried to stop drinking in the past with no success, then it may be time to seek professional help.

Health Problems I Didn’t Realize Were Caused By Alcoholism

Your liver helps metabolize nutrients and filter out toxins. When alcohol goes to your liver for processing, it acts as a toxin. It offers no nutritional value and instead breaks down into poisonous chemicals. They are more common in people with light skin, but anyone can develop them. On Brown and Black skin, they may appear purple or as darker skin.

can alcohol cause bruises

For people assigned female at birth who don’t stop drinking, it’s 30%. People with severe alcohol-induced hepatitis and advanced liver disease have poorer outcomes. Up to 40% of people with severe alcohol-induced hepatitis die within six months of diagnosis. A person who is uncertain whether they can drink alcohol while taking blood thinners should speak with a doctor. Anyone who experiences severe symptoms, such as constant bleeding, intense pain, or dizziness, should seek emergency care. Finally, while it is tempting to mask discolored skin, you should do so with caution if you abuse alcohol.

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